24 Apr “Sexagenarian”
Well, I did it! Through no effort on my part, I have managed to reach the last year of 6 decades of my life. So, yes, I am considered elderly, at risk, and senior. I prefer the term “sexagenarian,” however. It has a nice ring, and I like that it begins with SEX! That, however, is another blog post.
Many life happenings have gotten me to this ripe old age, some of which I may have contributed to, such as not smoking, using drugs or alcohol, and trying to avoid processed food. Other happenings I have had no control over. Those happenings would be things like being born in America, in a hospital that recognized I was an RH baby and needed an immediate blood transfusion, and having parents and relatives that provided a safe environment.
Like many, I have submitted to the DNA testing craze, which confirmed I am of European descent. But, unfortunately, finding out my ancestors hailed from Scotland, Ireland, and England could not have been less exciting and revealing. So why didn’t it tell me why my eyes are so deep set? Why didn’t 23AndMe know my hair would be a shade of gray that I would love and embrace?
We only know so many things that we want to know. We always try to make sense of the little things that happen in our lives. “Everything happens for a reason” is a common mantra I despise! It puts someone else in charge of our daily decisions. Let me reduce this to my theme: GOD DOESN’T CARE WHAT COLOR YOUR HAIR IS! It’s a decision YOU must make.
My website and social media declare the joy and freedom of not letting others, marketing programs, or old stereotypes dictate your life decisions.
GO GRAY DAME; whether you gray at 30, 40, or 60, it’s your choice to let it shine or to dye your hair a favorite color. Stop asking for others’ opinions, stop asking how to do it, or you should keep letting it grow out! Instead, as a good business motto declares, JUST DO IT!